Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#35 - Super hero 5K

I would love to be able to say that as I progress through this challenge, each 5K becomes easier....but that just ain't the case.

The 35th 5k supported the efforts of Pro-Kids, an organization that provides advocacy for abused and neglected kids, many of whom are in the foster care system. The race has a special category for law firm teams as many provide pro-bono work for these cases.  Because the advocates for these kids are "everyday heroes" the dress code is Super Hero costumes.  We had Superman, Spider-man, Batman, Wonder Woman and Super Girl.  Even a few Ghostbusters showed up.

Since we are dressed as super heroes for this race, it only stands to reason that we attempt to get our best time.


Well, that was before the hill.  The race course begins downtown on Sycamore Street between 6th and 7th.  It goes towards the river, turning on 5th, down behind Proctor & Gamble headquarters, over by the Casino, and then up to the reflecting pool in Eden Park in Mount Adams via Gilbert and then back to the start.

Okay.  I should have realized that Mount Adams is called that BECAUSE it is a hill.  You have to go up.  And the kicker is that you go up, then turn a corner and continue to go up.

The bonus is that if you survive going up, you can run down the hill on the way back, assuming of course that you have the strength to stop yourself because you are gaining speed as you propel downwards and will hurl yourself into oncoming traffic if you don't put on the brakes.

I am struggling with the 'effing hill, Jo has left me long ago, and I am being followed by a family of runners.  I use the term loosely here, because the main focus is this little girl. She is maybe 4 or 5 and has boundless energy but I decide that I will not allow her to beat me.  So I run.  Up hill.  Then stop because I may be bringing on a heart attack.

She skips past me.

Okay.  This means war.  I pass her again.  This time she turns to her mother and says "that lady is going fast again." ...and she speeds up.  The urge to trip her is overwhelming.  But I refrain.  If I can leave them all behind by the time I get to the turn-around, then I'm good.  I'm thinking to myself that the jet packs on my costume should kick in at any time.

Imagine my dismay to discover that my costume does not have a functioning jet-pack and apparently I purchased the economy version Wonder Woman costume because the cape is also not working.  I am regretting this 5k.  Even considered briefly sitting down on the famous "prayer steps" up the hill and rejoining the crowd later.

But the little girl is watching me.  Passing me and taunting me.  I remind myself that this is all about kids and I should just suck it up. She and her family stop for water.  I don't.  Ha! suckers!  I have you now.   I make it through the turn-around near the reflecting pool in Eden Park and it's all downhill from here.  

At least that's what the volunteers cheering on the sides are saying.  Just a little further to go.  It's all downhill.  I know they are lying.  Bastards.

It's not all downhill and I still have 1.5 miles to go.  I leave the little girl in my dust and set my sights on the next one to overtake.  A little boy dressed as Batman and his mom pushing a stroller.  Perfect. I have you now.

(Here is where I insert a pithy but trite phrase about how its all for the kids and I'm just doing my small part.)

I survive and actually pass others in my finish.  (They were in the way of the hot dogs and beer.)

Yes, our socks have capes as well!!! and yes, I have created a monster.

Logged a PR of 43:02!

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