Tuesday, August 19, 2014

#32 Honoring Our Heroes

Yes, I know this is out of order.  I got behind and then forgot about it....but here it is.

My 32nd 5K of this challenge marks the only the second time I have completed two 5Ks in one weekend.  The first time was last September and I was in pain.  This time around was much better.

The first Annual Honoring Our Heroes 5K was sponsored by the Kroger Company and held in downtown Cincinnati. The Kroger CEO even ran in the inaugural race.  He had the number 1 on his race bib.  

It was raining that morning and windy.  And lightening and thunder.  And they are thinking of postponing the race.  Or canceling.  

We were joined by two of Rocky's friends: Goetta Girl and West Side Girl.  Goetta Girl kept talking about the promise of goetta for breakfast after the race.  She was salivating. Clearly no one was willing to dissuade her from her goal. (and in all fairness, it's a good goal to have.)  West Side Girl had worked with Rocky and recently retired.  She was far more health conscious.  She wanted fruit with breakfast.  That's a hard combo to cater to...but we will manage.  They were quite a pair.  They ran ahead of us and did pretty well.

I was dragging.  Not even the promise of breakfast and all the bacon I ever wanted would get me going.  I was doing better than the runners who had to pull off to the side of the road to puke.   (Oh yes, I remember my twenties...)

The race drags on until I'm near the end and Rocky met me near the finish and ran with me.  She yells "Grab the flag!!" (There were veterans holding flags along the way to the finish line.)  I grab a flag and run across the finish line.


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