Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#30 Girl's Night Out 5 Miler

I have hit the 60% mark. 

#30 was a fund-raiser for Children's Hospital Medical Center. It was a 5 mile run held at the Western-Southern Tennis Center in Mason.  Not being a tennis fan myself, I had never been to the Tennis Center and now I can happily check it off my list of places I need to see.

Because this race was a 5 miler (over and above the required 3.1 miles for a 5K) I will invoke the power to use the extra 1.9 miles in any way I see fit.  Add that to the .9 miles over the limit from the Hyde Park Blast (#28) and I have 2.8 miles to squander.  Oh the feeling of power.

Now it's been over 2 weeks since my last walk.  I usually walk during the week, but haven't for one reason or another. So five miles was a little more than I bargained for.  And it was warm.  Can't really say hot, as it hasn't truly been hot this July.  And because it was a "girls only" event, all the volunteers working the event were men...dressed in tuxedo t-shirts.  The parking lot guys, the cheering-on-the-sidelines guys, the water guys at the finish, even one guy in a kilt.

Jo and I started out jogging. Trying to keep up with the pack. We alternated between jogging and walking and managed to keep a pace of under 15 minutes per mile.  It is official.  We can qualify for the Chocolate Run in Columbus.  (Oh happy day!)

We really did well.  Managed to keep pace and feel the burn.  Checked my official time a few days later and discovered that the overall winner of the event finished in just under 32 minutes. And she is my age.   Seriously?  Not a typo or some administrative error.  She is 49 and placed 1st.   I think I was 359th. 

I probably have better friends than she does.  Or have a more interesting life.  Or something.

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