Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#29 Pray-Hope-Believe Foundation 5K

Brain cancer sucks.  Let's get that out of the way first.

Pediatric brain cancer sucks more.  It just does.

The 29th 5K on my list benefited the Pray-Hope-Believe Foundation which was started by the family of Tony Merk. Tony was a 6 year boy who died on July 4, 2011 after battling brain cancer for 3 years.  In his memory, the Merk family and other families with similar experiences, have created an event to celebrate the lives of those gone too soon.  I had my doubts, but it is clearly great way to work through grief.  The anniversary of his death is spent surrounded by family and friends.  And everyone is BUSY.

T-shirts abounded which grieved the loss of young children and illustrated the courage required to fight it.  My favorite is below:

 In addition to the multitude of activities for the day, they had a "Super Hero Run" and let the kids wear capes before letting them loose for a short run.

No, they didn't let me wear a cape or participate in the run as I probably would have been ejected for un-sportsman-like conduct.

I did manage to log my best time so far.  Getting better each time.  I celebrated this accomplishment by having a hamburger at 9AM.  Pretty soon you will find me on the medal stand.  Just sayin'.

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