Thursday, March 20, 2014

#14 Bockfest 5K

Hello......long time, no see.   

Really, it's my fault.  I have not written in the blog because I have not completed a 5k since Thanksgiving of last year.  And there were some fantastic opportunities....

--there was a 5k the day after Christmas, (I was tired...) 
--there was a 27K trail run through Kentucky in January (Um..I'm going to pass on that.)
--there was a 15k Run in the Snow (Um, again...I'm not interested.)
--there was a 5k up in Dayton where you removed a layer of clothing at each mile marker and the clothes would be donated to the homeless. (It was also 4 degrees that day.) I decided to pass on all those fantastic opportunities.  Stayed in my warm house, sipping cocoa, reading books.

However I did venture out of my cocoon the first weekend in March for the 2nd Annual Bockfest 5K.  It was a great day for a walk....balmy, sunshine....a meandering route through the Over the Rhine area ...finishing up at the Bockfest Hall.  The money raised goes to the brewery district refurbishment.  Hey, if there is an area in town that is all about drinking and brewing beer...I am for its refurbishment.  Got to stand for something.

The route was through the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where I saw all these really trendy restaurants that I want try. (So that is the next many new restaurants can I try?  Who's with me?)

 As we crossed the finish line, a woman runs up to me and says, "Are you Lucy?"  (This is NEVER a good sign.  It's either the police or the IRS and they aren't asking to be part of your fan club.)

She continues: "I recognize you from your pictures."  (I'm thinking...Where? at the Post office?)

Turns out she is one of my Blog groupies and a friend of a friend.  So I'm famous.  Or infamous. or something like that.

The after-race-post-party was beer and bagels and coneys.  The rest of the kind of a blur.  Something about Tiffany's, the Home and Garden show and the Wine Festival.  

Those of you who know me well...recognize that this is a very watered-down version of the events of the day.  However this blog is not meant to be incriminating evidence.  So there.

Number 14 is done.  36 to go.

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