Thursday, October 3, 2013

#7 Adams County Half Marathon and 5K

Describing a race route is a lot like reading a dating profile.  There is a code.   'a few extra pounds' means "I've never been inside a gym" and 'devoted to family' means "I live with my mother" and so on.  This race was described as a "rolling course in Amish country".  That means "steep inclines through paved roads while dodging lots of horse shit".

With that in mind, we headed the Adams county for the next installment.  We got up before God, (I know this because the sun wasn't up and apparently that's His job.)  Drove through winding roads in Adams county and discussed what we would do if we met "the Children from the Corn" during the race.  It was a lively conversation for 5:30 AM. 

It was a great day for a race, weather was cool.  As we walked, Amish kids handed out cups at the water stops.  They were dressed in their traditional garb and travelled by either buggy or scooter.  Their eyes grew very large at some of the colorful athletic gear worn by the runners.  

After the race, there is the table with the usual bananas, apples, water, and Gatorade.  This race also had pie.  Amish apple pie.  After inhaling the slice, you realize that you didn't use a fork.  

Who cares.  It's pie.  

Perhaps other races should offer pie.  I may start a movement.

The medals given to all the participants are pictured below.

How cool is that?  

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