Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013.

#2 Lady Distance Classic - Fleet Feet store in Blue Ash.  My second 5K was much more solid than my first.  At least I didn't trip and fall on this one.  It was hot and muggy and it began at 6:30 PM.  The course ran through the City of Blue Ash, by the middle school and junior high, then through a neighborhood with no sidewalks.

It is rapidly becoming clear to me that there is a language amongst runners and walkers than I do not understand.  At each of these walks, I am surrounded by people who trade information about their latest run accomplishment ...and I have no idea what they are talking about.  Clearly, it's in code.  A private language that is used in the presence of an infidel.

I think about walking these 5Ks with friends but am finding it better (for now) to use the time to think....mull over some ideas rattling around in my head.  I also think that if I wait to do this until someone becomes available....I will never do it.

In a week that has held 2 early morning meetings, my annual physical, a tetanus shot, a flu shot and my yearly mammogram....well, let's just say I'm not walking a 5K on Saturday.

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

#1 Lady Distance Classic 5K

First let me state that I am not a goal-oriented person.  I mean, not really.  I set goals, but they are usually incredibly easy, achievable within 10 minutes or purely about what I already want to do.  
--I will read one more chapter. 
--I will have ice cream now.
--I will stay in bed 5 minutes longer.

This is different.

I have set a goal of walking 50 5K races before I am 50.  I turn 50 in February of 2015, so I have roughly 18 months to accomplish this goal.

Why would I (a noted non-exerciser) choose to inflict said pain on her body? 

Blame it on Rocky.
SHE is an avid runner and SHE runs in half marathons and SHE jogs 10 miles for FUN.  I know, I know.  There may be something wrong with her, but SHE won't stand still for a minute to determine what it is.

Anyway, SHE had this goal of running 13 half-marathons (13.1 miles) in 2013.  That's a little over 1 every month to you and me, Sparky.  I get tired just thinking about it.  But She is having a blast and it is somewhat infectious.  I say somewhat because I think it will be a cold day in hell before I run a half marathon.  But it is pretty cool to watch it.

So I started thinking about it and decided I should get off my lazy ass and do something.

And so, we are off.  Walked in my first 5K last Saturday, August 24, 2013.  A calm 5K walk through Blue Ash organized by a local running store.  No big deal.

I'd like to tell you that I had a fantastic time.  That I was energized.  That I was inspired.  That I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.  

But you would know that I was lying.  Within 100 yards of the start, I tripped and fell on the cobblestone sidewalk, twisted my ankle, skinned my shin and caught myself with my hand. People behind my stopped to check on me, suggesting that perhaps I should bail out now while the store was still in sight, rather than pressing on.

After checking for any apparent "death-causing" injuries and finding none, with my pride deeply wounded, I trudged onward.

An auspicious start.   1 down, 49 to go.